➔ The Sound of Self-Exile, Tsai-Wei Chen, 2001 Nov 2 - 2002 Jan 25

The Sound of Self-Exile, Tsai-Wei Chen, 2001 Nov 2 - 2002 Jan 25

Type: Exhibition





Programme ➔ Main Programme ➔ Edge Street Programme (1997-2003)
Project ➔ New Commissions Scheme (2000-2002)


2001 Nov 02 (is beginning date)
2002 Jan 11 (has end date)


A sound installation developed by Taiwanese born artist, Tsai-wei Chen, to reflect her feelings about her 'self-imposed' exile in London and the pain of homesickness. It featured two works: Territory and Nostalgia

Territory featured sounds recorded in Taiwan and London accompanied by the rhythmic tone of the artist's voice. The sound resonated around the gallery recreating the artist's dreams of 'home'. Nostalgia featured ambient sounds recorded in her birth place in Taiwan and her adopted home in London, to reflect her feelings of home sickness. 5 tracks were played on separate portable CD players presented to visitors on an individual plinths. While visitors listened to the tracks through headphones, they viewed associated blurred photographs taken in the artist's home land.

The exhibition was due to closed on 25 January 2002, but had to close two week early after the portable CD players were stolen. Part of the ‘New Commissions’ scheme.

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