Programme ➔ Artist Residencies ➔ Whisper Residency (2003-2013)
Project ➔ Professional Artist Development (PAD) Scheme (2005-2008)
2006 Jun 01 (is beginning date)
2006 Jun 15 (has end date)
2006 Sep 20 (is beginning date)
2006 Oct 03 (has end date)
Jessica Emmett's residency explored her personal feelings and experiences about trans-racial adoption, colonialism, family and culture. The residency was supported by the Centre's Professional Artist Development project (PAD).
Using donated socks from members of the public, the artist used her first residency to create sock bunnies, similar to the toy given to her by her foster family in Hong Kong, who cared for her as a baby before she was adopted.
The artist returned in September to continue her project. The residency studio was set up as an adoption centre for members of the public to 'adopt' sock bunnies she had previously created. An ‘Open Day’ was held on the 23rd September for potential ‘Adoptive parents’ to adopt one of the toys. In return the parents’ would contribute to a blog updating the artist on the progress of the bunnies in their new homes. The artist created a website to trace the adoption histories of the bunnies she created.