open studio
Programme ➔ Artist Residencies ➔ Whisper Residency (2003-2013)
2007 June 05 (had active date)
Open studio event to exhibit the works developed by Jason Ho during his residency, Language in Body Movement, which was concerned with the beauty of the moving image without the need for sound.
The open studio presented a 'silent opera', based upon the short story, The Necklace, by French author Guy de Maupassant, (1850-1893). Using a script written by the artist, the work had been developed with members of the public who attended movement workshops during his residency. Each person was filmed acting out a scene from the script and the footage was combined in a loop to create the final work.
The installation featured the final footage as well as the artist's script and still photos of with performance with the relate exerts of the script.