Programme archive

Descriptive Information


Record Set



Other Identifiers

OC/1704 (local reference number) ; OC/D/1704 (Other)

Has provenance

esea contemporary (1987-)


1990s-2015 (is coverage date of)

Scope and Content

Records which formed the 'programme archive' during the project to establish the archives at the Centre. 


The records within this set are arranged following how they were originally stored. Physical records are physically arranged in the functional hierarchy following their reference numbers. 


The records in this set were classified as the 'Programme Archive' during the first project to catalogue the Centre's archive began in 2016. These were mainly early programme records and 3 large boxes full of digital media and slides. 

This set was created to retain the order in which these records were found so they could also be arranged in a functional hierarchy to aid researchers. 

Some of the original accession have been removed because they were not relevant to the activities of the Centre, including personal records of former staff; material set by artists which did not relate to the work of the Centre. 

Access and Use

Conditions of Access

Unless prohibited under UK data protection legislation, the records within this set are available for non-commercial private research on-site in the esea ResearchLab via dedicated terminals or by appointment.

Digital surrogates of the records can be accessed through the online catalogue if we have permission of holders of the intellectual property of the record's contents.

Conditions of Use

The records in this record set are accessible for private non-commercial research use unless restricted under UK Data Protection legislation.

Open records which are solely the copyright of esea contemporary are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) License. Records which are the intellectual property of other creators are not available online unless we have permission of all of the copyright holders. Please see individual record descriptions for more information.

Related Content

Related People and Organisations

esea contemporary (1987-)

Keywords & Terms



Rules or conventions

Our archival collections have been catalogued following the International Standard of Archival Description (ISAD(G)) and principles of Records in Context (RiC). The library collection has been documented following the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) standard and the International Standard for Bibliographic Description (ISBD).

Subject terms for the collections have been taken from the Resource Description Access (RDA) values which are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; the National Archives’ PRONOM online registry of technical information; IANA media types. MIME types; Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)® and Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)® which are made available under the ODC Attribution License.